Your Medical Management App

We’re really excited to tell you about our new app, MedFer!

MedFer is the first and only app that lets you:

  • Control your medical results
  • Store results
  • Analyse and store your favorite doctors’ recommendations
  • Schedule your doctor’s appointments
  • Share your stored analyses with your doctors
  • Schedule medicine administration
  • Control when to make pill ends or take pills back out of the system—everything from start to finish.

MedFer is built using Kotlin and uses a Golang backend. It doesn’t store any of its users’ personal medical data on its servers. Instead, it’s stored locally on their devices.

The rest of the app is simple: if you want to keep track of all of your doctor’s visits and medication schedules in one place but don’t want to carry around a lot of paper or have trouble finding time-sensitive information on those appointments in your Google Calendar, MedFer will take care of everything for you. If you want to see what happened during past appointments or analyze how well your medications are working together over time? We’ve got that covered too! And if you want someone else—a family member or friend—to know when they can pick up their meds on time? We’ve got them covered there too.